Friday, January 16, 2009

School Cancellations and Sick Days...

Indiana has the weirdest weather! Up until the first week in January we have had an on again off again winter. One day it will be snowing, the next 50 degrees and all the snow melts. We had an ice storm that caused some bad weather for 2-3 days then it was warm again. Well this week old man winter is up to it again. Monday started with snow...lots of it!! Tuesday again it was cold and snowy and we thought for sure we would have a delay, but no such luck. Wednesday brought MORE snow and cold temperatures....still no delay, but with it coming down hard they sent us home from school at 1 pm (2 hours early). Yesterday we got the call...first a delay, then a few hours later a cancellation due to -20 degree temperatures with windchill!!! Last night we got the call school today (mainly I think because it was suppose to be a 1/2 day). So we have an unexpected 4 day weekend!! THANK GOODNESS!! First of all starting on Monday...moving through Tuesday...and then even on Wednesday my students were getting to me....believe me they are 100% better than last year, but there are still some things that just make me extremely frustrated (3 boys who think they can do whatever they want...especially when it comes to not doing there homework, several girls who are so gossipy and always have someone mad at them but then according to them it's not their fault, and then a few you just try to push my buttons everyday). By Wednesday morning I was about to plan to take a personal day. Just a mental health day so I could start fresh with them and have a day away from them! I decided against it, but Wednesday afternoon came home sick. Flu like symptons, headache, vomiting. fever, all the worst. I took a nap, then watched a movie with Matt and went to bed at 7. Woke up at 9:#) On Thursday thanks to the cancellations and still felt icky. Today I'm much better, but I'm thinking God was looking out for me. In the year and a half I've been at Riddle I have taken 4 days off (2 sick days last winter, and 4 1/2 days for doctor's appt. and such). I probably would have been stubborn and gone in even though I didn't feel well and needed a break. Looks like sometimes things work out!

Tomorrow is an all day wrestling tournament at the high school. I'm scheduled to run the clock on one of the main mats. Should be a very long day. I do enjoy seeing the boys wrestle though...weird I know :) Never before would I, but hanging out around wrestlers the last few years has made the sport atleast a little interesting, and its nice to have someone to root for!!

Report cards go home Wednesday. I'm about ready to start recording on the cards (all my grades have been entered). I feel ahead of the game, although I was kind of hoping for this whole afternoon at school to work. Maybe I will stop by before the tournament tomorrow and pick up the cards so I can atleast do some of it at home.

Other than that things have been pretty normal. Hope everyone is staying warm!! I can't believe we are 1/2 way through January already!!

1 comment:

  1. hello. Glad you found me! LOL I look forward to reading your blogs. Interesting that Matt is a wrestling coach at the high school. Our high school has a wrestling club that the elementary and middle school kids can join and Kyle is on the team!

    Hope you feel better!

